Electronic Vulnerability Assessments

Vulnerability in the modern world is complex and stems from a range of issues such as domestic abuse and mental health concerns. Ensuring that victims and those at risk are correctly assessed places a very significant administrative burden on Police Forces and supporting agencies. Legislation requirements unfortunately means that more time can be spent on completing forms and paperwork rather than dealing with the actual situation and concerns.

VPRF uses the Corvus knowledge base to automatically extract details for the persons involved and their relationship group and taps into any previously completed forms to reduce the effort to a minimum. The application automatically calculates risk and marks the record accordingly. VPRF can be integrated with other Corvus applications and / or source systems for a fully ‘joined-up’ solution.


Deals with over 20 different vulnerability streams including DA, CSE, Mental Health concerns, Hate Crime etc.

Wide ranging data capture linked to customisable set of questions per stream, per incident, per role

Automated document production