Vulnerable Persons Index (VPI)
VPI provides a full ranking of vulnerability taken from all persons known to the organisation. This forms the basis for delivering an instant view of the relevant priority which should be taken into account when dealing with the individual.
The underlying principle for VPI is that a person’s event history and profile can be used to determine a measure of vulnerability. Each and every interaction is used to contribute to the overall assessment with the event types compared to a customer specific matrix. VPI also uses the known associates and relationships of the individual to determine whether weightings should be applied which reflect the risk presented by these contacts.
Vulnerable Persons Assessment (VPA)
VPA delivers an effective way of assessing an individual based upon an understanding of their particular needs and concerns. The system allows a comprehensive assessment to be perform with minimum effort allowing the officer to instead spend their time considering the correct support and intervention.
Vulnerability takes many forms. For some it means the risk of domestic violence whilst others may suffer from a specific mental health concern. The variation also creates challenges in interpreting individual cases and when determining the right support plan. To meet these challenges, Bluestar has developed an engine able to generate assessment forms using definitions stored in a data repository. Each of these forms is designed to reflect the specific needs of many different types, or streams, of vulnerability by the presentation of a number of appropriately formatted questions.
Benefits and Features
- Applies systematic approach to assessing vulnerability
- Prevents missed opportunities for interventions
- Shared across the entire organisation
- Reduces cost and saves resources
- Comprehensive, yet focused assessment process
- Reduces time, effort and cost
- Provides assistance for the production of interventions and support actions
- Allows immediate access to previous assessments
- Supports onward transmission to partners